Friday 21 June 2013

Fashion Figure

I had to re do my fashion figure as the image had come out blurry and wasn't sized correctly.

Here I opened up a fashion figure in illustrator and then drew around it with the pen tool.


For this task, I had to get my background from before and apply a filter onto it. I did this by opening up my background, then going onto filter-sketch-halftone pattern and then a menu will open up to the right allowing you to chose the filter and change the size contrast and pattern type. i played around with this until i found an effect that I liked, and then clicked okay to apply. Then I had to open up an image I had drawn in illustrator, make it slightly smaller and then drag it from the layers palette onto my background, i then filled it with the paint tool.

IMAGE EDITING - Giving A Fuzzy Appearance

For this task, I had to again with the same image, click on the cyan channel at the side in the channels menu, I then had to click on the move tool on the left hand side menu and then with the arrow keys on the keyboard, nudge the image slightly to the left or to the right, this gave the image a fuzzy wobbly appearance.

IMAGE EDITING - Setting Points

For this task, I had to set the white grey and black points of my image. I uploaded my image and then i had to go to image-adjustements-levels and then click on the far right eye dropper for the white point, the middle for the grey point and the far left for the black point, after clicking on each I clicked on my image at the exact same point. This gave a really interesting effect and the colours looked incredible once finished.

PATTERN STAMP STOOL; changing a section of background

For this task, I had to open up a background and change a section of it using a pattern I had created. I opened up a fashion background and using the magic wand tool, I then clicked on a part of my background which then highlighted the rest of the image with the same colours and tones. I then had to open up another image I was going to use for my pattern, add it to my patterns and then use the pattern stamp tool. I changed the opacity and effect of the pattern stamp and then you could just colour over where the magic wand had selected and it didn't go over the lines which was good.

IMAGE LEVELS; brightening up a background

On this take, I had to use my previous image, so I decided to use the fish again as it was a bright and colourful image in the first place. We had to go to window and make sure channels was ticked and a menu should come up on your right. Then we had to change the mode to CYMK colour and then we could play with the different colours in the new menu to see what effects we got, we could also use the sliders in image-brightness and contrast to see what colours we could get.


Here is my evidence of using the pattern stamp tool by taking a picture of a fish, inverting it using the command and I keys, and saving it as a pattern, then opening up a new picture and using the fish pattern on the new image to create a new pattern onto the background.